Lily Seeds
Lilies are a perfect addition to any garden. With their colorful, star-shaped flowers, they add elegance and fragrance to any space. They are perennials that require minimal care if planted in the right place. Most lilies do well in containers and look spectacular in a vase. True lilies belong to the genus Lilium and grow from plump, scaly bulbs. There are a number of popular lily species, including Orientals, Asiatics, Orienpets, and Species types. With 8,000 or so varieties, lilies parade an endless range of colors, shapes, heights, and bewitching scents
Lilies are easy to grow and require minimal care. They can be planted in sun or partial shade, with 15cm (6in) of soil above them in rich, fertile but well-drained conditions . They prefer a well-drained soil high in organic matter with an acidic pH . Lilies are happiest when their heads are in the sun and their roots are in the shade, so a thick layer of mulch is helpful .